Local 70371 Exhibit


                      as amended and approved
                      at the Local meeting of
                      September 14, 1983



BY-LAW 1 - Name and Affiliation

BY-LAW 2 - Aims and Objects

BY-LAW 3 - Membership

BY-LAW 4 - Membership Dues

BY-LAW 5 - Meetings

BY-LAW 6 - Executive

BY-LAW 7 - Elections

BY-LAW 8 - Finances

BY-LAW 9 - Conflict

BY-LAW 10- Amendments

Oath of Office


BY-LAW 1 - Name and Affiliation

               This Local shall be known as "The Professional Association of Foreign Service Commullications Employees" of the National Component of the Public Service Alliance of Canada. It shall be governed in accordance with the P.S.A.C. Constitution and the By-Laws of The National Component and the Local.

BY-LAW 2 - Aims and Objects

               (a) To promote co-operation, harmony and unity of purpose among members of this Local.

               (b) To speak with a united and responsible voice for all members of this Local in matters affecting their welfare
and interests.

              (c) To foster good relations and mutual understanding between management and members of the Union.

               (d) To co-operate with other Locals having similar interests for the purpose of furthering the welfare of all
Public Service Employees.

               (e) To subscribe unconditionally to the aims and objects of the Public Service Alliance of Canada and the
National Component.

BY-LAW 3 - Membership

 Section 1: Eligible members shall be:
               All communications employees employed by the Department of External Affairs regardless of their location
or the existence of another P.S.A.C. Local in that loction.

 Section 2: Upon being granted membership in this Local each member is deemed to be a member of the
National Component of the P.S.A.C.,and is deemed also to have agreed to abide by the provisions of this Local's
By-Laws, the By-laws of National Component as well as the Constitution of the P.S.A.C.

BY-LAW 4 - Membership Dues

               Section 1: The membership dues of the Local shall be not less than the amount of the per capita dues required by the
Constitution of the P.S.A.C. and the By-Laws of the National Component as determined by National Convention.

               Section 2: In addition, the Local dues shall be Two Dollars ($2.00) a member a month.

                Section 3: A change in Local dues may be made by a two-thirds majority of the members voting at a General or Special meeting of the Local, following at least 30 days notice of motion, and may only be changed once in any given year. (National Component By-Law 5-4)

BY-LAW 5 - Meetings

Section 1: The elected Officers of the Local shall hold regular monthly executive meetings to provide for the proper conduct of the Locals affairs, except for the months of July and August.
               Section 2: General Membership Meetings of the Local shall be held on the Second Wednesday of February, April, June,
September and November. The November meeting shall be the Annual General Membership Meeting.

Section 3: The Annual General Membership Meeting shall be held for the purpose of receiving annual reports from Officers,  consideration of Local business and holding elections.
Section 4: A Special Meeting of the Local may be called by the President or by a majority of the Executive, or upon the petition of ten or more members.
               Section 5: Unless expressly provided otherwise by these By-Laws, The P.S.A.C. Rules of Order shall apply at all

Section 6: The following extract from The P.S.A.C. Rules of Order suggests the order of business for meetings:

      1. Call to Order
     2. Roll Call of Officers
     3. Proposed Agenda
     4. Reading of Minutes of previous Meeting
     5. Reading of Minutes(if any)of Executive Meeting
     6. Business arising from the Minutes
     7. Correspondence
     8. Financial reports and bills
     9. Reports of Officers and Committees
     10. Unfinished Business
     11. New Business
     --- 12. Elections (If Any)
     13. Good and Welfare
     14. Adiournment
Section 7: In keeping with the P.S.A.C. Constitution, all members shall be given the opportunity to vote. Members abroad shall be invited to participate by mail or telegram on major issues and nominations for elections. Proxy votes are not allowed.
               Section 8: A quorum at Executive Meetings shall be fifty-percent of the Executive holding office at the time of
the meeting. A quorum for a General or Special meeting shall be the Executive quorum plus an equal number of

BY-LAW 6 - Executive

               Section 1: The Executive of the Local shall consist of a President, a First Vice-President, a Second Vice-President,
a Chief-Steward, a Secretary, and a Treasurer. The Immediate Past president may be included in the Executive in
an advisory capacity.

 Section 2: The President shall be the Chief Executive Officer of the Local. The President or in his absence the First Vice-President, or in the Absence of both, the Second Vice-President shall preside at Annual, Executive, General and Special meetings. He shall be responsible to the membership of the Local for the efficient and proper conduct of its oDerations and activities.

 Section 3: The Vice-Presidents shall carry out the duties delegated to them by the President. The First Vice-President shall assist the President, and shall, in the absence of the President, assume the duties of the President. In the absence of both the President and the First Vice-President, the Second Vice-President shall assume the duties of the President

 Section 4. The Chief-Steward shall be responsible for the proper processing of Membership Grievances in accordance with established procedures and collective agreements. He/She shall also be responsible for the education and organization of the Stewards of the Local.

 Section 5: The Secretary shall be responsible for the recording of the proceedings of Annual, Executive, General and Special meetings, and for the provision of minutes of all such meetings. Shall be responsible for the proper maintenance and distribution of
documents, records and correspondence under the direction of the President and in co-operation with the Treasurer.

 Section 6: The Treasurer shall be responsible for the payment of any accounts of, or expenses incurred by, the Local. He/She shall maintain the necessary records of account and shall submit a financial report at each monthly meeting for the preceding month and for any previous month for which no financial report has been submitted. He/She shall submit a financial report to the Annual General Meeting for the preceding fiscal year. In co-operation with the Secretary he shall be responsible for conducting the required correspondence pertaining to financial matters affecting the local.

 Section 7: The Executive of this Local shall:
               1. administer the affairs of the Local between meetings of the membership;

               2. establish whatever committees are necessary to assist the Executive in the discharge of its responsibilities towards the membership;

               3. provide for the selection of Stewards and govern their activities.

 Section 8: The members of the Executive shall be elected annually at a meeting of the general membership of the Local. They shall hold office until the next Annual Meeting or until their successors have been elected or appointed. Officers shall take office at the end of the meeting at which they are elected.

 Section 9: Vacancies on the Executive shall be filled by interim elections.
 Section 10: The Executive shall have power to fill vacancies on the Executive subject to ratification at the following general meeting.

 Section 11: The President of this Local shall be ex officio a member of all committees of the Local.

BY-LAW 7 - Elections

 Section 1: Only those members in good standing, actively employed as Foreign Service Communicators may be elected to an executive office or be delegated as representative of this Local.

 Section 2: Elections shall be carried out in accordance with the P.S.A.C. Constitution, the P.S.A.C. Rules of Order, the By-Laws of National Component and these By-Laws.

 Section 3: Members abroad may nominate candidates for office by mail or telegram.
BY-LAW 8 - Finances

 Section 1: Three Officers of the Executive, one of whom shall be the Treasurer, shall be named as Signing Officers. The Treasurer and one of the other Signing Officers shall sign all cheques issued by the Local.

 Section 2: Neither the Executive nor any member thereof shall incure any expense, except for recurring expenses on behalf of the Local in excess of $100.00 without the prior approval of a majority of the members of the Local present and voting at a general or a special meeting.

 Section 3: Neither the Executive nor any member thereof shall enter into any financial contractural understanding or agreement without prior approval of the Executive of the Component, that is to say the National Executive.

 Section 4: The financial administration of this Local shall be carried out in accordance with By-Law 11 of the National Component.

BY-LAW 9 - Conflict

                Nothing in these By-Laws shall be construed to conflict with the constitution of the Alliance or the By-Laws of the Component. Should amendments to the Constitution of the Alliance or the By-Laws of the Component cause a conflict with these By-Laws, the Executive shall have authority to amend these By-Laws but only to the extent reauired to eliminate that conf lirt .

BY-LAW 10 - Amendments

               These By-Laws may be amended at any general meeting provided proper notice of motion, as defined in the P.S.A.C.
Rules of Order, is given at a previous meeting and is included in the notice of the meeting, and that such amendment is passed by two-thirds of the members voting at such a meeting.

                  OATH OF OFFICE
                    I...............having been elected an Officer of Local 70371 of the National Component of the Public Service Alliance of Canada, solemnly declare that for my term of office I shall fulfill the duties of such office, will maintain and uphold the dignity of the Organization and will always keep confidential all matters concerning the affairs of the Organization that are brought to my attention.

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